Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for First Quarter 2020
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Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for First Quarter 2020

Filetype[PDF-806.68 KB]


  • Publisher's site:
  • Corporate Authors:
  • Description:
    The attached materials pertain to the Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report) for the March 31, 2020, report date. The federal banking agencies understand that institutions may need additional time to submit certain regulatory reports in light of staffing priorities and disruptions caused by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). As announced by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) in a press release issued on March 25, 2020, the agencies will not take action against any institution for submitting its March 31, 2020, Call Report after the respective filing deadline, as long as the report is submitted within 30 days of the official filing date. Institutions are encouraged to contact their primary federal regulator in advance of the official filing date if they anticipate a delayed submission. Nevertheless, please plan to complete as early as possible the preparation, editing, and review of your institution's Call Report data and the submission of these data to the agencies' Central Data Repository (CDR). Starting your preparation early will help you identify and resolve any edit exceptions before the submission deadline. If you later find that certain information needs to be revised, please make the appropriate changes to your Call Report data and promptly submit the revised data file to the CDR.
  • Content Notes:
  • Subject:
  • Dataset Download URL:
  • Format:
  • Release Date:
  • Withdrawn Date:
  • Agencies Involved:
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC);Federal Reserve Board;Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC);Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC);
  • Fdic Employee Involved:
    Doreen R. Eberley
  • Other Notable People Involved:
    Grovetta N. Gardineer;Michael S. Gibson;
  • Related Regulation:
    Schedule RC-R;FFIEC 031;FFIEC 041;FFIEC 051;
  • Source:
    FDIC Website
  • Memorandum To:
    FDIC-Supervised Banks, National Institutions, State Member Institutions, and Savings Associations
  • FIL Number:
  • Main Document Checksum:
  • Download URL:
  • File Type:

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