Processing of Deposit Accounts in the Event of an Insured Depository Institution Failure and Large-Bank Deposit Insurance Determination Modernization.
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Description:This Federal Register contains 25 comments. The comments can be found in the Supporting Files section.
Content Notes:Table 1: Table 1-Top Ten Institutions by Number of Deposit Accounts (In Millions) (Pg 2369)
Table 2: Table 2-Industry Segmentation (Pg 2369)
Chart 1: Sample Resolution Timeline Using Provisional Holds (Pg 2372)
Table 3: (Pg 2380)
Table 4: Table 3-Summary of 2005 and 2006 ANPR Comments (Pg 2381)
Table 5: Table 4-Cost Estimates of 2005 ANPR Options (Pg 2383)
Table 6: (Pg 2385)
Table 7: (Pg 2385-2386)
Table 8: (Pg 2388-2393)
Table 9: (Pg 2394-2395)
Table 10: (Pg 2395-2396)
Table 11: (Pg 2396-2398)
Table 12: (Pg 2398-2399)
Chart 2: Basic File Structure (Pg 2399)
Chart 3: Multiple Deposit Files, Single Customer File (Pg 2400)
Chart 4: Multiple File Sets (Pg 2401)
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Release Date:01/14/2008
Agencies Involved:Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Comment Period End Date:04/14/2008
Source:FDIC Website
Federal Register Citation Number:73 FR 2364
CFR Number:12 CFR Part 360
RIN Indentifier:RIN 3064–AD26
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Supporting Files