This Document Has Been Replaced By: Risk-Based Capital Standards: Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework - Basel II.
This Document Has Been Replaced By: Risk-Based Capital Standards: Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework - Basel II.
Risk-Based Capital Standards: Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework - Basel II.
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Content Notes:Chart 1: Probability Distribution of Potential Losses (Pg 69291)
Table 1: Table A-Transitional Floors (Pg 69301)
Table 2: Table B-IRB Risk-Based Capital Formulas for Wholesale Exposures to Non-Defaulted Obligors and Segments of Non-Defaulted Retail Exposures (Pg 69335)
Table 3: Table C (Pg 69338)
Chart 2: EAD and LGD for Eligible Margin Loans and Repo-Style Transactions (Pg 69340)
Table 4: Table D-Standard Supervisory Market Price Volatility Haircuts (Pg 69343)
Chart 3: EAD and LGD for OTC Derivative Contracts (Pg 69345)
Table 5: Table E-Risk Weights for Unsettled DvP and PvP Transactions (Pg 69357)
Table 6: Table F-Long Term Credit Rating Risk Weights Under RBA and IAA (Pg 69363-69364)
Table 7: Table G-Short-Term Credit Rating Risk Weights Under RBA and IAA (Pg 69364)
Table 8: Table H-Controlled Early Amoritization Provisions (Pg 69374)
Table 9: Table I-Non-Controlled Early Amoritization Provisions (Pg 69375)
Table 10: Table J (Pg 69377-69378)
Table 11: Table K (Pg 69379)
Table 12: Table L-Modified Look-Through Approaches for Equity Exposures to Investment Funds (Pg 69382)
Table 13: Table 1-Transitional Floors (Pg 69406)
Table 14: Table 2-IRB Risk-Based Capital Formulas for Wholesale Exposures to Non-Defaulted Obligors and Segments of Non-Defaulted Retail Exposures (Pg 69411)
Table 15: Table 3-Standard Supervisory Market Price Volatility Haircuts (Pg 69412-69413)
Table 16: Table 4-Conversion Factor Matrix for OTC Derivative Contracts (Pg 69414)
Table 17: Table 5-Risk Weights for Unsettled DvP and PvP Transactions (Pg 69418)
Table 18: Table 6-Long-Term Credit Rating Risk Weights Under RBA and IAA (Pg 69421)
Table 19: Table 7-Short-Term Credit Rating Risk Weights Under RBA and IAA (Pg 69421)
Table 20: Table 8-Controlled Early Amortization Provisions (Pg 69425)
Table 21: Table 9-Non-Controlled Early Amortization Provisions (Pg 69425)
Table 22: Table 10-Modified Look-Through Approaches for Equity Exposures to Investment Funds (Pg 69428)
Table 23: Table 11.1-Scope of Application (Pg 69432)
Table 24 Table 11.2-Capital Structure (Pg 69433)
Table 25: Table 11.3-Capital Adequacy (Pg 69433)
Table 26: Table 11.4-Credit Risk: General Disclosures (Pg 69433-69434)
Table 27: Table 11.5-Credit Risk: Disclosures for Portfolios Subject to IRB Risk-Based Capital Formulas (Pg 69434)
Table 28: Table 11.6-General Disclosure for Counterparty Credit Risk of OTC Derivative Contracts, Repo-Style Transactions, and Eligible Margin Loans (Pg 69435)
Table 29: Table 11.7-Credit Risk Mitigation (Pg 69435)
Table 30: Table 11.8-Securitization (Pg 69435-69436)
Table 31: Table 11.9-Operational Risk (Pg 69436)
Table 32: Table 11.10-Equitities Not Subject to Market Risk Rule (Pg 69436)
Table 33: Table 11.11-Interest Rate Risk for Non-Trading Activities (Pg 69437)
Table 34: Table 11.1-Scope of Application (Pg 69441)
Table 35: Table 11.2-Capital Structure (Pg 69441)
Table 36: Table 11.3-Capital Adequacy (Pg 69441)
Table 37: Table 11.4-Credit Risk: General Disclosures (Pg 69442)
Table 38: Table 11.5-Credit Risk: Disclosures for Portfolios Subject to IRB Risk-Based Capital Formulas (Pg 69442-69443)
Table 39: Table 11.6-General Disclosure for Counterparty Credit Risk of OTC Derivative Contracts, Repo-Style Transactions, and Eligible Margin Loans (Pg 69443)
Table 40: Table 11.7-Credit Risk Mitigation (Pg 6943)
Table 41: Table 11.8-Securitization (Pg 69444)
Table 42: Table 11.9-Operational Risk (Pg 69444)
Table 43: Table 11.10-Equitities Not Subject to Market Risk Rule (Pg 69444-69445)
Table 44: Table 11.11-Interest Rate Risk for Non-Trading Activities (Pg 69445)
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Release Date:12/07/2007
Update Date:04/22/2008
Agencies Involved:Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC);Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC);Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System;Office of Thrift Supervision;
Source:FDIC Website
Effective Date:04/01/2008
Federal Register Citation Number:72 FR 69288
CFR Number:12 CFR Part 325
RIN Indentifier:RIN 1557–AC91;RIN 3064–AC73;RIN 1550–AB56;
Other Agency Docket IDs:Docket No. OCC–2007–0018;Regulations H and Y; Docket No. R–1261;Docket No. OTS 2007–0021;
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