Consolidated balance sheet, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Temporary Federal Deposit Insurance Funds, December 31, 1934 (Pg. 11)
Statement of cash receipts and expenditures for the period from September 11, 1933 (date of commencement of operations), to December 31, 1934, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Pg. 12)
Capital status of commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System approved for admission to insurance, January 1, 1934 (Pg. 16)
Number of insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System classified according to the ratio of net sound capital to total deposits (Pg. 17)
Classification of assets at time of examination for admission to insurance Fund and at time of latest examination in 1934 and early 1935, insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System (Pg. 17)
Creditors’ claims against nine insured banks which suspended during 1934 (Pg. 27)
Analysis of changes during 1934 in the deposits of licensed commercial banks (Pg. 42)
Changes during 1934 in assets and liabilities of licensed commercial Banks (Pg. 43)
Changes during 1934 in holdings by licensed commercial banks of cash and amounts due from banks (Pg. 44)
Reduction during 1934 in loans and discounts of licensed commercial banks (Pg. 44)
Examiners’ classification of loans and discounts, and amounts of loans and discounts written off, 1934 (Pg. 45)
Changes during 1934 in securities held by licensed commercial Banks (Pg. 46)
Holdings of capital obligations of insured commercial banks by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, December 31, 1934 (Pg. 47)
Percentage distribution of number and deposits of insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, grouped by ratio of net sound capital to deposits (Pg. 51)
Changes during 1934 in total capital account of commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System insured on December 31, 1934 (Pg. 53)
Current earnings and expenses during 1934 of insured commercial banks (Pg. 55)
Net earnings and changes in total capital account during 1934 of insured commercial banks (Pg. 55)
Comparative rates of interest, and distribution of assets and deposits, 1927-28 and 1934, banks members of the Federal Reserve System (Pg. 56)
Net earnings from current operations during 1934 of insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 57)
Rates of earnings during 1934 on total available funds, on loans and on securities, and of interest paid on time deposits, insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System (Pg. 59)
Insured and uninsured deposits, and fully and partially insured accounts, insured commercial banks, October 1, 1934 (Pg. 61)
Percentage of deposits insured and of accounts fully insured in insured commercial banks, October 1, 1934, banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 61)
Classification of uninsured commercial State banks, February 1,1935 (Pg. 63)
Mutual savings banks insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 1934 (Pg. 65)
Mutual savings banks, December 31, 1934 (Pg. 66)
Number and deposits of licensed banks suspending operations during 1934, banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 68)
Deposits and losses to depositors in suspended commercial banks, 1865-1934 (Pg. 75)
Estimated deposits in suspended commercial banks, 1865-1934 (Pg. 80)
Estimated percentages of deposits of suspended commercial banks which would have been insurable under the $5,000 limitation (Pg. 81)
Estimated amounts of deposits of suspended commercial banks,1865-1934, which would have been insurable under the $5,000 limitation (Pg. 82)
Estimates of secured deposits held by suspended banks, 1865-1934 (Pg. 83)
Losses to depositors in liquidated insolvent banks (Pg. 87)
Estimated amounts of loss to depositors in suspended commercial banks, 1865-1934 (Pg. 88)
Deposits in active commercial banks, 1865-1934 (Pg. 89)
Relation of depositors’ losses in suspended commercial banks to deposits in active banks, 1865-1934 (Pg. 90)
Losses to depositors in banks suspending during critical years (Pg. 91)
Number and deposits (or liabilities) of suspended commercial banks, 1865-1899, by years (Pg. 92)
Number and deposits (or liabilities or resources) of suspended commercial banks, 1900-20, by years (Pg. 93)
Number and deposits of suspended and reopened commercial banks, 1921-32, by years (Pg. 94)
Number and deposits of suspended and reopened commercial banks, 1933-34, by years (Pg. 95)
Deposits, and loans and investments, of suspended national and commercial State banks, grouped by size of bank (Pg. 96-98)
Estimated percent of commercial bank deposits which are secured (Pg. 99)
Estimated recoveries by creditors of liquidated insolvent commercial banks (Pg. 100-101)
Estimate of deposits not released in national banks unlicensed on March 16, 1933, but reorganized or licensed without reorganization prior to October 31, 1934 (Pg. 102)
Deposits in active commercial banks other than national, 1865-83, by years (Pg. 103)
Estimate of deposits in all active commercial banks other than national, 1900-02 (Pg. 104)
Deposits in active commercial banks other than national, 1875-83, 1900-02, and 1934 (Pg. 105)
Estimate of deposits in active commercial banks other than national, 1883-1934, by years (Pg. 106)
Deposits in active national banks, call dates, 1863-1934 (Pg. 107-109)
Relations among deposits, liabilities, resources, claims and dividends of suspended banks (Pg. 110)
Deposits and losses in suspended mutual savings banks compared with deposits in active mutual savings banks, 1865-1934, by years (Pg. 112-113)
Number and deposits of all licensed banks in the United States, January 1, 1934, and December 31, 1934: by class of bank (Pg. 176)
Analysis of changes in number of licensed banks in the United States, January 1, 1934, to December 31, 1934: by class of bank (Pg. 177)
Number and deposits of banks licensed during 1934: by class of bank, grouped by amount of deposits and by States (Pg. 178-179)
Number of licensed banks in the United States, December 31,1934: by class of bank by States (Pg. 180-181)
Deposits in licensed banks in the United States, December 31,1934: by class of bank by States (Pg. 182-183)
Number of licensed banks in the United States, October 1, 1934: by class of bank, grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 184)
107. Total deposits in licensed banks in the United States, October 1, 1934: by class of bank, grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 185)
Number of accounts fully insured and partially insured in insured commercial banks, October 1,1934: by class of bank, grouped by amount of deposits and by States (Pg. 186-187)
Amount of deposits insured and uninsured in insured commercial banks, October 1, 1934: by class of bank, grouped by amount of deposits and by States (Pg. 188-191)
Percent of accounts fully insured and of deposits insured in insured commercial banks, October 1, 1934: by class of bank, grouped by amount of deposits and by States (Pg. 192-193)
Assets and liabilities of insured commercial banks, June 30, 1934, and December 31, 1934: by class of bank (Pg. 194-197)
Condition of insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, December 31, 1934: banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 198-199)
Condition of insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, December 31,1934: averages for banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 200-201)
Percentage distribution of principal asset and liability items, insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, December 31, 1934: banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 202-203)
Capital, deposits and assets of insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System as shown by examination for admission in 1933-1934: banks grouped by amount of deposits, by geographic regions, and by States (Pg. 204-205)
Capital, deposits and assets of insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System as shown by latest examination in 1934-1935: banks grouped by amount of deposits, by geographic regions, and by States (Pg. 206-207)
Examiners’ analysis of assets of commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System insured on December 31, 1934, latest examination in 1934-1935: banks grouped by amount of deposits, by geographic regions, and by States (amounts in thousands of dollars) (Pg. 208-211)
Examiners’ analysis of assets of commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System insured on December 31, 1934, latest examination in 1934-1935: banks grouped by amount of deposits, by geographic regions, and by States (percent of book value) (Pg. 212-215)
Loans to officers, directors and affiliates, commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System insured on December 31, 1934, latest examination in 1934-1935: banks grouped by amount of deposits, by geographic regions, and by States (Pg. 216-218)
Capital investment of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in insured commercial banks, December 31, 1934: by class of bank by States (Pg. 219)
Number and deposits of insured banks arranged according to statutory capital requirements for membership in the Federal Reserve System, and the capital deficiency of insured banks lacking such qualifications, June 30, 1934: commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System by States and by size of center in which located (Pg. 220-225)
Number of officers and of employees of insured commercial banks, June 30, 1934: by class of bank by States (Pg. 226-227)
Earnings, expenses and dividends of insured commercial State banks, calendar year 1934: banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 228-229)
Earnings, expenses and dividends of insured commercial State banks, calendar year 1934: averages for banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 230-231)
Earnings, expenses and dividends of insured commercial State banks, calendar year 1934: by class of bank (Pg. 232)
Earnings, expenses and dividends per $100 of total available funds of insured commercial State banks, calendar year 1934: banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 233)
Earnings, expenses and dividends, special ratios, insured commercial State banks, calendar year 1934: banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 234-235)
Earnings, expenses and dividends of insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, calendar year 1934: banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 236-237)
Earnings, expenses and dividends of insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, calendar year 1934: averages for banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 238-239)
Earnings, expenses and dividends, special ratios, insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, calendar year 1934: banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 240-241)
Earnings, expenses and dividends per $100 of total available funds, insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, calendar year 1934: banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 242)
Condition of insured mutual savings banks, June 30, 1934, and December 31, 1934 (Pg. 243)
Earnings, expenses and interest payments of 68 insured mutual savings banks, calendar year 1934 (Pg. 243)
Insured and uninsured deposits in insured mutual savings banks, October 1, 1934: by States (Pg. 244)
Number and deposits of banks suspending operations during 1934: by class of bank grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 245)
Insured banks placed in receivership in 1934 (Pg. 246)
Assets of insured banks placed in receivership in 1934: as shown by books of banks at date of suspension (Pg. 247)
Liabilities of insured banks placed in receivership in 1934: as shown by books of banks at date of suspension (Pg. 248)
Deposits of insured banks placed in receivership in 1934: revised to December 31, 1934 (Pg. 249)
Payments during 1934 to insured depositors of insured banks placed in receivership in 1934 (Pg. 250)
Statement of operations of deposit insurance national banks through December 31, 1934 (Pg. 251)
Average annual salaries paid to officers and employees of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as of December 31, 1934 (Pg. 252)
Organization chart (Pg. 9)
Percentage distributions of assets, insured commercial banks not Federal Reserve Members, banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 48)
Condition of loans and securities, insured commercial banks not Federal Reserve Members, banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 49)
Capital changes during 1934, insured commercial banks not Federal Reserve Members, banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 52)
Earnings, expenses and losses, 1934, insured commercial banks not Federal Reserve Members, banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 58)
Number and deposits of insured and uninsured commercial banks, October 1, 1934, banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 62)