Officers and employees of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, December 31, 1935 (Pg. 9)
Comparative balance sheet of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, December 31, 1935, and December 31, 1934 (Pg. 12)
Analysis of surplus account and distribution of administrative expenses, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, calendar year 1935 (Pg. 13)
Deposits in the 24 insured banks placed in receivership during 1935 (Pg. 14)
Banks not members of the Federal Reserve System approved and rejected for insurance August 23— December 31, 1935 (Pg. 19)
Classification of banks admitted to insurance and banks terminating insurance during 1935, by class of bank (Pg. 21)
Number of operating commercial banks and branches in the United States and possessions at close of 1934 and 1935 (Pg. 35)
Changes in number of operating commercial banks and branches in the United States and possessions during 1935 (Pg. 36)
Changes during 1935 in assets and liabilities of insured commercial banks (Pg. 37)
Worthless and doubtful assets of insured banks not members of the Federal Reserve System at time of examination in 1935 (Pg. 41)
Changes in total capital account of insured commercial banks during 1935 (Pg. 41)
Number of insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System grouped according to ratio of net sound capital to deposits, latest examination in 1935 (Pg. 42)
Insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System grouped according to ratio of net sound capital to deposits, examinations in 1933, 1934 and 1935 (Pg. 43)
Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits, insured commercial banks, 1935 (Pg. 44)
Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits, insured commercial banks, 1934 and 1935, by class of bank (Pg. 45)
Net earnings per $100 of total assets, insured commercial State banks, 1934 and 1935, banks operating throughout the entire year grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 46)
Rates of interest received on loans and on securities and paid on time deposits by insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, 1934 and 1935 (Pg. 47)
Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits, ratios, insured commercial State banks, 1935, banks reporting net earnings compared with banks reporting net losses (Pg. 48)
Changes during 1935 in the number and deposits of mutual savings banks insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Pg. 49)
Assets and liabilities of 56 mutual savings banks insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at the close of 1935 (Pg. 50)
Earnings and expenses of mutual savings banks insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at the close of 1935 (Pg. 50)
Classification of banks admitted to insurance from January 2,1934, to the close of the temporary funds (Pg. 59)
Classification of banks terminating insurance during or at the close of the temporary funds (Pg. 61)
Operating banks insured at the beginning of the temporary Federal deposit insurance plan and at the beginning of the permanent plan (Pg. 61)
Number of operating banks insured at the beginning of the temporary Federal deposit insurance plan and at the beginning of the permanent plan, by States and possessions (Pg. 62)
Depositors’ claims against 24 insured banks which suspended during the period of operation of the temporary Federal deposit insurance funds (Pg. 63)
Number of operating banks and branches, December 31, 1935, insured and noninsured banks grouped by class of bank in each State and possession (Pg. 122-123)
Number of operating banks, December 31, 1935, insured and noninsured banks grouped by class of bank, by amount of deposits, and by States and possessions (Pg. 124-125)
Number of operating unit banks, December 31, 1935, insured and noninsured banks grouped by class of bank, by amount of deposits, and by States and possessions (Pg. 126-127)
Number of banks operating branches, December 31, 1935, insured and noninsured banks grouped by class of bank, by amount of deposits, and by States and possessions (Pg. 128-129)
Number of operating branches of banks, December 31, 1935, insured and noninsured branches grouped by class of bank in each State and possession (Pg. 130-131)
Number of operating commercial banks, December 31, 1935, insured and noninsured banks grouped by amount of deposits in each State and possession (Pg. 132-135)
Number of operating commercial banks, December 31, 1935, unit banks and banks operating branches grouped by amount of deposits in each State and possession (Pg. 136-139)
Number of operating mutual savings banks, December 31, 1935, insured and noninsured banks grouped by amount of deposits in each State (Pg. 140-141)
Number of operating mutual savings banks, December 31, 1935, unit banks and banks operating branches grouped by amount of deposits in each State (Pg. 142-143)
Analysis of changes in number of banks and branches in the continental United States during 1935, insured and noninsured banks grouped by class of bank (Pg. 144-146)
Commercial banks beginning operations in the continental United States during 1935, grouped by amount of total capital account, by class of bank, by population of center, and by number of other banks and branches in center (Pg. 147)
Commercial banks ceasing operations in the continental United States during 1935, grouped by amount of total capital account, by class of bank, by population of center, and by number of other banks and branches in center (Pg. 148)
Operating banks which withdrew from insurance during 1935 (Pg. 149)
Deposits in operating banks, daily average October 1 to December 31,1935, insured and noninsured banks grouped by class of bank, by amount of deposits, and by States and possessions (Pg. 150-151)
Deposits in operating unit banks, daily average October 1 to December 31,1935, insured and noninsured banks grouped by class of bank, by amount of deposits, and by States and possessions (Pg. 152-153)
Deposits in banks operating branches, daily average October 1 to December 31, 1935, insured and noninsured banks grouped by class of bank, by amount of deposits, and by States and possessions (Pg. 154-155
Deposits in operating commercial banks, daily average October 1 to December 31, 1935, insured and noninsured banks grouped by amount of deposits in each State and possession (Pg. 156-159)
Deposits in operating commercial banks, daily average October 1 to December 31, 1935, unit banks and banks operating branches grouped by amount of deposits in each State and possession (Pg. 160-163)
Deposits in operating mutual savings banks, December 31, 1935, insured and noninsured banks grouped by amount of deposits in each State (Pg. 164-165)
Deposits in operating mutual savings banks, December 31, 1935, unit banks and banks operating branches grouped by amount of deposits in each State (Pg. 166-167)
Analysis of changes in deposits of banks in the continental United States during 1935, insured and noninsured banks grouped by class of bank (Pg. 168-169)
Summary of assets and liabilities of operating commercial banks in the United States and possessions, December 31, 1934, June 29, 1935, and December 31, 1935 (Pg. 170)
Summary of assets and liabilities of operating mutual savings banks in the United States, December 31, 1934, June 29, 1935, and December 31, 1935 (Pg. 171)
Assets and liabilities of operating insured commercial banks, call dates, June 30, 1934, to December 31, 1935 (Pg. 172-175)
Assets and liabilities of operating insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, December 31, 1935, banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 176-177)
Averages per bank of assets and liabilities, operating insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System,
December 31, 1935, banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 178-179)
Percentage distribution of assets and liabilities, operating insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, December 31, 1935, banks grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 180-181)
Examiners’ analysis of capital, assets, and liabilities of operating insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, latest examination in 1935, banks grouped by amount of deposits and by States (Pg. 182-183)
Examiners’ analysis of assets of operating insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, latest examination in 1935, banks grouped by amount of deposits and by States (Pg. 184-187)
Examiners’ analysis of assets of operating insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, latest examination in 1935, banks grouped by amount of deposits and by States (Pg. 188-191)
Summary of examiners' analysis of assets of operating insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, examinations October 1, 1933, to December 31, 1935, banks grouped by amount of deposits and by States (Pg. 192-193)
Capital ratios of operating insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, examinations October 1, 1933, to December 31, 1935, banks grouped by amount of deposits and by States (Pg. 194-195)
Capital investment of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in operating insured commercial banks, December 31, 1935, by class of bank in each State (Pg. 196)
Reconstruction Finance Corporation capital disbursements and retirements during 1935, insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, by States (Pg. 197)
Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits of operating insured commercial banks, calendar years 1934 and 1935, by class of bank (Pg. 198-199)
Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits of insured commercial State banks, calendar year 1935, banks operating throughout entire year grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 200-201)
Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits, ratios, insured commercial State banks, calendar year 1935, banks operating throughout the entire year grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 202-203)
Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits of insured commercial State banks reporting net earnings from current operations, calendar year 1935, banks operating throughout entire year grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 204-205)
Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits of insured commercial State banks reporting net losses from current operations, calendar year 1935, banks operating throughout entire year grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 206-207)
Averages per bank of earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits of insured commercial State banks reporting net earnings from current operations, calendar year 1935, banks operating throughout entire year grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 208-209)
Averages per bank of earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits of insured commercial State banks reporting net losses from current operations, calendar year 1935, banks operating throughout entire year grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 210-211)
Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits, ratios, insured commercial State banks reporting net earnings from current operations, calendar year 1935, banks operating throughout entire year grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 212-213)
Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits, ratios, insured commercial State banks reporting net losses from current operations, calendar year 1935, banks operating throughout entire year grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 214-215)
Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits of operating insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, calendar year 1935, banks operating throughout entire year grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 216-217)
Averages per bank of earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits of operating insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, calendar year 1935, banks operating throughout entire year grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 218-219)
Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits, ratios, insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, calendar year 1935, banks operating throughout entire year grouped by amount of deposits (Pg. 220-221)
Salaries and wages of officers and employees, insured commercial State banks, calendar year 1935, grouped by class of bank, by amount of deposits, and by States (Pg. 222-223)
Number and deposits of banks suspending operations during 1935, grouped by class of bank, by amount of deposits, and by States (Pg. 224)
Insured banks placed in receivership, 1934—1935 (Pg. 225)
Assets of insured banks placed in receivership, 1934— 1935, as shown by books of banks at date of suspension (Pg. 226)
Liabilities of insured banks placed in receivership, 1934— 1935, as shown by books of banks at date of suspension (Pg. 227)
Deposits of insured banks placed in receivership, 1934— 1935, revised to December 31, 1935 (Pg. 228)
Payments to depositors of insured banks placed in receivership, 1934— 1935 (Pg. 229)
Assets, liabilities, and capital of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, August 22, 1935 (Pg. 230)
Percentage increase in deposits of insured commercial banks, December 31, 1934 to December 31, 1935 (Pg. 39)