FDIC Makes Public December 1997 Enforcement Actions; One Administrative Hearing Scheduled for February 1998
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Press Release Number:PR-5-98
Release Date:01/30/1998
Agencies Involved:Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Bank Involved:North Milwaukee State Bank, Milwaukee, WI;The Converse County Bank, Douglas, WY;California Thrift and Loan, Santa Barbara, CA;Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Chicago, IL;Barclays Bank of New York, National Association, Great Neck, NY;Nippon Credit Trust Company;Bay Loan and Investment Bank, East Greenwich, RI;Pioneer Savings and Loan Association, Irvine, CA;New West Thrift & Loan Company, Novato, CA;Community Savings Bank, Bristol, CT;First State Bank, Moulton, TX;First Commerce Bank, Corpus Christi, TX;NBO National Bank, Olyphant, Pennsylvania;
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