The Future of Interstate Banking, an address before the Michigan Bankers Association by L. William Seidman, Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Washington, D.C.
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Content Notes:Includes table showing return on assets and net chargeoffs for Michigan banks, neighboring states banks, and all U.S. banks
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Release Date:06/20/1986
Agencies Involved:Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC);Arizona Commission on Interstate Banking;Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System;Office of Management and Budget (OMB);Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB);Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC);
Bank Involved:Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company
Congressional Committee Involved:Senate Banking Committee;House Banking Committee;
Fdic Employee Involved:L. William Seidman
Law Involved:Garn-St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982;Gramm–Rudman–Hollings Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985;Federal Reserve Act;
Other Notable People Involved:Douglas Ginsburg;Douglas Evanoff;Diana Fortier;
Other Institutions Involved:Michigan Bankers Association;E.F. Hutton;Merrill Lynch;A&P;
Source:FDIC Library Collection
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